I wish Mommy had the chance to scan some pictures of Jewels, but she just hasn't had the time....I will try to get some up soon so you can see my sissy.
It's been 7 years since mommy had to put my sister, Jewels, to sleep. She had kidney failure and we found out about it very late. She was 3 pounds and could barely walk all of a sudden. All I know is that she went bye-bye one day and never came home.
Mommy says that the doctor said that if they hadn't taken her in to see him, that she would have come home from school that day and probably find her past away. That still makes mommy sad to think about.
Mommy says: Here's what happened. Jewels started walking funny and my mom decided to take her in to see JB, the vet. I was in Spanish class when there was a knock on the door. The teacher told me that there was someone who wanted to talk to me. I went to the door and it was my mom..who was crying so hard! I asked her what? and she couldnt even tell me for a few minutes. She finally got it out that Jewels was really bad and that she was signing me out to go to the vet with her. I got pizzed off because my brother didnt want to go. I still havent forgiven him about that, but it's okay. So, I got my stuff and got in my car to drive home, then to the vet. I honestly do not know why they let me drive in that condition. I was bawling the whole way home. When I got there I didnt remember the drive. Me, mom, and my step-dad all got in mom's car and drove the few minutes to the vet. I went in and I knew she was bad. She was normally scared of other people but she was letting anyone hold and pet her. It was so sad. They then sat her on a table and let us love on her some more before they put her to sleep. I am now crying, so if my typing goes to crap, you know why....She law lying on a flannel blanket and looked so sad. JB, the vet, came in and said he would do it when we're ready. And that we could leave the room, I DID NOT leave, Everyone else did, but I couldnt do that. Jewels had always been there for me when I was mad at my step-dad and just anytime I was in a bad mood. She would love on me and fluff me and purr. So, I felt I owed it to her to be there for her b/c she had always been there for me. As they gave her the shots, which had to be done more times than normal b/c she was so dehydrated and small, the country song "When You Lie Next To Me" was playing and I totally lost it. I just kept saying "shhh, it's okay" and my heart was breaking. After it was finished, they placed her in a bag and let us take her home. The short ride seemed to last forever, and when we got there we put her in the deep freezer. Yes, you read right, but it was my step-dad's freezer for deer. He's a taxidermist (mounts animals) and we did that b/c I wanted him to mount her looking like she was asleep. I felt he could since he didnt even want to be in the room to tell her goodbye at the time. I later discovered that he just couldnt do it even though he wanted to be in there with her. He just couldnt handle it I guess. So, fast forward about 3-4 years and my mother's kitty, Tigger, past from the same kidney problems. We were told we caught it in time b/c we knew what to look for, but months later, he too had to be put to sleep. My mother just couldnt bare to bury him, as I had felt about Jewels, so she had him cremated at a local place that specializes in cremating animals/pets. So, Jewels finally came out of the freezer and was also cremated. I now have a cute little white box with her name on it and a certificate from the place. A few weeks after she was put to sleep, JB's' office sent a sweet card saying sorry for our loss. That's all it said, but it was the perfect thing to say. The front had a kitty and a dog sitting in front of a sunset. It was simple yet perfect in every way.
I cannot wait to see her again one day. I honestly believe that heaven isnt just for people, that we will see our furry friends again. B/c what's heaven without some furries? Anytime I hear that song, I cry. Seven years later and when I think about my baby girl, I cry. I have gotten some weird comments about the freezer thing, but I don't care. I could not put my baby under the ground. Yes, she was cremated, but this way, I still have her with me. She is in my curio cabinet with all my little kitty figurines. I wish I could find a figurine of a kitty with a halo. That would be perfect...
So, this is my story of how my baby, Jewels, crossed the bridge.
If you read all of it, thank you so much. It means a lot.
And I don't know what I'm going to do when something happens to Gizmo. She's over 10 years old and I hate to think. But, she has always had something about her that makes her a fighter, mentally and physically, so I believe that is why she has outlived Jewels and Tigger by so long.
Again, thank you for reading...