Mommy saw this on Redfurd's blog and just had to have it. She says it's hard to blog everyday while trying to potty train a 2 yr old and keep up with an almost walking 8 month old. So, this way it makes us not feel as bad about not posting for a few days!

This is me on Halloween, I think I am pretty with my goatee and my Cindy Crawford mole-spot beside my nose. Lol!! What do you all think?
Well, it's almost Thanksgiving, which means it's almost Christms!! I better get started on Red's present!!! But, I can't tell you what it is b/c he will read this and know what I am getting/making! hehe
Purrs to you all, ~Gizmo
I love your cute little goatee! You look beautiful.
You look lovely Gizmo! And Blogging without obligation is a great idea!
Purrty! Luf the foto!
Luf, Us
i definitely see the resemblance to cindy c. (and she's a fabulous babe.)
There is my beautiful girl! Awwww, you make my heart go all pittery pattery, Gizmo! That is a very glamorous shot of you there on that blanket! *sigh* I am purring up a storm now ... can you feel the vibrations from my purring? *luff, Redfurd*
Gizmo, nocat worrys about posting everyday. I don't we don't have the time everyday or even have something to say.
hehe it IS a Cindy Crawford mole!@!!
It made-ed us giggle we never looked at it that way before ;)
You is very puuretty! :))
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