Luffs, Gizmo <3

A.K.A. Fluffy-Butt, Gizzard, 'Mo'Mo
I would also like to thank our friends over at Whimpurr's Whim who have given us an award to brighten our day!! Thank you so much, everyone!
Here are the award instructions:
Put the logo on your blog.
Add a link to the person who awarded you.
Nominate 10 other blogs.
Add links to those blogs on yours.
Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
I would like to pass this award along to:
Angus Mhor; Cat's Eye; Derby; Forty Paws; Survival of the Furriest/Monty Q;
PB&J Is My Favorite; Victor the Vampire Kitty; Island Cats; Tybalt, the Prince of Cats;
The Ballicus Blog!!!!
Thanks again everyone for praying for my mother's kitty. It means a lot, and I know purrs and prayers can and will help her!!
~April, the mama bean.
**I am so excited! This is my very first date ever...I hope Redfurd likes me, because I think he is a very handsome mancat. Will let you all know how it goes!**
***UPDATE: Redfurd gave me some beautiful flowers! You can see them here. I think he is a very sweet kitty. We are about to sit down to supper. Purrs, ~Gizmo
***Another Update: I had so much fun with Redfurd tonight. After dinner we had some catnip outside under the stars and talked. He is very sweet. I thanked his bean for letting him come over, too. So, maybe this is the start of something really nice! *sigh* I have had a long day, I think I am going to head to bed now. See you in the morning everyone!
Good Night and Sweet Dreams Redfurd!!!
Do you all steal food from your beans' plates too?
Well this is Day 4 of "finding love", I have my sights set on two mancats so far. But, we will just have to wait and see!
Also, I've redone my page. What do you think about it? Please let me know!
I'm looking for my Mr. GoodCat! Thanks to Zoolatry for doing these pictures! You're the best!